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Death's Mundane Moments
Drawings inspired by a combination of the Inktober, Drawlloween, & Drawtober daily/weekly prompts from October 2018 & 2019.
Watercolor and Ink on Paper
Character DesignSketching | Introduction"Greetings." | PoisonousReturn of the Living Bread | TranquilHaunted Hard Drive |
RoastedThe Whisper of Waterfront Warf | SpellDon't look now! Your Mom's a Werewolf! Carousel Curse | ChickenDude, Where's Your Shadow? | DroolingMe, Myself, & AI |
ExhaustedLights, Camera, Axes! Grin Reaper | StarInsects & the City | PreciousMoon Men from Mercury | FlowingMy Dentist is a Shapeshifter Impish |
CruelPumpkin up the Jams! Haunted Toy Box | WhaleGhoul's Gold Ghoul Drool | Dia de los MuertosVisitation from the Rainbow Bridge | RingThe Witches Garden |
RideSweet Temptation |
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